When we are young, our hobbies are structured around activities meant to help us challenge all and any excess energy into meaningful activity. Our parents and caregivers provided us with all of the necessary tools to keep us busy for hours on end maybe as a way to even maintain some of their own sanity, right? Be it a coloring book, making slime, paining, climbing trees, looking for bugs in the backyard or even building pillow forts. No matter the activity, hobbies that encouraged creativity are a big part of our early lives and in that sense, hobbies will always help us associate with our childhoods and connect us to our inner child, just waiting to have fun.
So why is it that as we get older, the idea of having a hobby seems more like a chore or a distraction from our life goals? Why is it that hobbies for adults are often termed “mid-life crisis”?
As we get older, many of us don’t take the time and the mental space to create – sometimes just for the sake of creating – and get lost in activities outside of our normal day to day hustles. We don’t realize that hobbies allow for peace of mind and also allow us the freedom of doing something without the pressures of perfection. The key to starting a hobby is finding something that encourages attention and concentration and can consistently be done daily, weekly, or monthly.
Creativity comes in lots of different forms, and there are many activities that help us tap into the feeling that our younger selves knew so well.Here are 10 hobbies that are simple, creative and meaningful. Most are even away from media devices as a way to encourage us to look outside of technology for simple pleasures that bring forth a sense of child like wonder.
#1 Scrapbooking
How many of us have had scrapbooks or journals as kids? Most often than not, it was a collection of memorabilia that had special meaning – either of people, places or experiences. It was such a thrill to document, decorate and even color important days and events in our lives. Having something tactical and physical was a great reminder of who we were and what gave us joy. Nowadays with social media and a post-and-share mindset, digital memories tend to be forgotten as soon as they are shared. While that is wonderful in many ways, physical scrapbooking offers a way to intimately honor our memories outside of the noise of the internet.
Scrapbooking doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. So take some time to print your favorite images from your phone or invest in an instant camera. Use pens, paint, stickers and glue that you might already have around the house and go create a scrapbook to document those important memories. Even day to day adventures can be scrapbooked with newspaper and magazine clippings and nicknacks.
If scrapbooking is a new concept for you, check out your local craft store for inspiration and resources. Dig into your child’s art closet. Even check online on Pinterest or YouTube. Get together with your family and spend an afternoon having fun creating a book that you’ll treasure for years to come.
#2 Plan a herb garden
As we move more towards a ‘home everything’ culture due to everything that is happening around us, so many of us are looking for safer, sustainable ways to live and thrive. Gardening is an incredible way to touch and feel the earth and be connected with nature. And the beauty of gardening is that it can be done in a pot or a small patch of land. You really don’t need a whole lot to start gardening. If vegetables and fruits seem overwhelming, start small with an herb garden. Signup for a seeds exchange or even ask a friend for a sapling and start your very own herb garden. Plant a few herbs to start with—this is important because it takes time to learn each herb’s right care. It’s also important to research which seasons are best for certain herbs and plan your garden accordingly. Creating an herb garden is a wonderful way to step away from life’s distractions and truly connect with nature.
#3 Play with flowers
Playing with flowers and learning about flower arrangements is an incredible way to bring some peace and color in your life. Touching, feeling, and learning about plants while making your own bouquet is creative outlet and a soothing way to connect with nature. The possibilities are endless when it comes to playing and arranging flowers.
You can go as deep and as wide with flower arrangements as you like. Visit your local flower market and pick out flowers that are in season. Arrange them in colors or textures. Or even by individual stems and work out your own pattern and arrangements. You can even bring in a little culture and diversity to your flower arrangement by looking into practices like Ikebana – the Japanese art of flower arrangement.You can even consider crafting flowers from paper or even using plastic flowers from your local craft store if buying fresh flowers is not practical where you are.
Katie, a past podcast guest and creative florist, has a weekly online flower arrangement channel on Instagram where she showcases beautiful flower arrangements.
#4 Make your own self-care products
Making your own skin and beauty products is a great way to get creative as well as live a more sustainable/zero waste lifestyle. It is also a great way to minimize the amount of processed ingredients you put on your skin. Nearly every product we use on our skin, hair and body can be procured and produced in-house with a few tools and techniques. Homemade is easy, sustainable and cost-effect in the long run. If homemade is intimidating, start small.
Start by considering what products you wish you had in your bathroom or products that seem too expensive to purchase. Instead of buying them, make your own. Maybe even have a night in with your family and friends and make a batch of lip balm, body scrub or hair cream.
Paula Saalfeld, a long time contributor of CulturallyOurs has a many tutorials around hair care and body care products that she makes at home along with simple easy to follow recipes.
#5 Learn photography
Photography is a great creative outlet for people of all ages. And nowadays it is easier than ever to get into photography thanks to some pretty powerful cell phone cameras out there. You pretty much need just a camera and your imagination to get started. Pick a subject – maybe plants, maybe flowers, landscapes, architecture, people or even food. Take photos consistently and figure out what you like to photograph.You can even take this a step further by signing up for a 365 project. There are many photography groups that put out daily prompts to help inspire you. As always, the more you photograph, the more you can develop your creative eye and soon it might just turn into something more than a hobby.
#6 Play with paints
Painting is a great way to flex those creative muscles. Just like photography, painting is an art form that needs very little to get started. Buy yourself some paints, paint brushes and a notepad and have at it. Painting can be structured or even abstract. It is a wonderful way to get all your sense engaged as you look at color, light and even shapes.
#7 Start a gratitude journal
Journaling is excellent for all walks of life as it allows us to not only develop a deeper appreciation for the gifts in our life at present, but to also reflect on our day to day challenges in a positive light. By adopting a focus on gratitude, we can avoid falling into the trap of negativity and how things are always going wrong or even how ordinary our lives us. Simple things like good health, happiness, a hot cup of coffee are really a joy in life no matter what and by voicing and documenting those simple pleasures we can learn to appreciate them more. A gratitude journal helps us train ourselves to recognize how precious is every passing moment.Seasons will change, children will grow and friendships may disappear but new gifts constantly emerge as we learn to recognize that simple universal truth – a life worth living is a life well lived.
#8 Culturize your dinner table
Forget the world at your fingertips, instead go for the world at your table. While there is a special sense of comfort in the tried, tested and known, we all know that sometimes there is that insatiable urge to explore, experiment and try something bold, new and exciting. Exploring world cuisines right from the comfort of your own home is a sure way to cure that sense of curiosity and wanderlust. With a few spices and a stove, we can, literally, eat our way around the globe.
Now before you turn around and say that you really don’t know how to and that its all too overwhelming with too many choices out there, check out this CulturallyOurs article on how to add culture to your table for eating globally in your kitchen.We all know that diversity and culture are extremely important in today’s world. And what better way to start being a global citizen than in the kitchen. Food has the universal appeal of bringing people together. As we spend time in the kitchen with friends and family, conversations flow, bonds are formed and everyone walks away enriched – both in mind and body.
#9 Pick up a new-to-you sport
One of the key reasons many people start anew sport is health. Sports has the ability to improve every aspect of your health – both physical to mental. By having a healthy combination of nutritional food and exercise, you can improve your levels of concentration, your quality of sleep and your overall general health. Sport is also hugely beneficial for mental health.
So, whether it’s joining your local running club, to going to try-outs for the school’s hockey team, to signing up for ultimate frisbee practise, the benefits of sports outweigh any worries or fears you might have when trying a new sport. Most team players are excited when somebody wants to try out their sport, and are more than welcoming to any beginners. And remember just because you start a new sport doesn’t mean to have to be a professional competing athlete at the end. Simply enjoy the sport for the thrill of doing something different.
#10 Start a collection
Remember that shell connection you started when you first went to a beach. Or how about that button collection of your favorite winter coats growing up. As adults we might give childhood collections a bad name by calling it hoarding or even the proverbial ‘packrat’ mindset. However collections can be a super fun way to bring some creativity and joy in life, depending on what you are collecting of course. So perhaps you have a new penchant for snow globes or vintage posters. So go ahead and start a collection to enjoy the thrill of adventure, discovery and imagination.When starting a hobby, make sure it doesn’t feel like a chore but rather something that offers the chance to expand your unique abilities and skills in a fun and creative way.
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