CulturallyOurs Pink peonies against a white backdrop

How To Find And Listen To Your Inner Self

CulturallyOurs Pink peonies against a white backdrop

During our podcast episode with Maggie Wu Studio, Maggie shared some powerful truths about the why you should listen to your inner self. That inner compass which always seems to guide you as to where you need to go – even if you don’t quite want to listen to it at first!

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to Maggie’s interview, we highly recommend you pause reading this and take a listen here.

Maggie openly shares how she struggled to fit into her own culture, after being away for many years, because of who she had become over time. She valued her internal compass so much that she even changed the direction of her business to be alined with her inner self. Maggie’s story is so inspiring that we wanted to explore this concept of not only finding and but also listening to our inner selves as a way to live a more authentic life.

These strategies are based on conversation with people like Maggie who have taken the bold step to acknowledge who they are internally, to find their true north, listen to their inner self and use that to guide their day to day.

#1 Educate yourself on all the facts

One of the best ways to really understand the truth behind something is to educate yourself about all the different aspects and nuances. Culture and heritage are beautiful but can be restrictive and uncomfortable if you don’t know why something is done or why a certain practice is followed. Learn as much as you can about that way of life before you made a decision to accept or reject it.

#2 Document your feelings

Record your own feelings and experiences by way of words, images or even sketches. The method does not matter as much as acknowledging and documenting them. Sometimes we are compelled to do something or be someone even if it means suppressing our inner feelings, just like how Maggie struggled with her Chinese culture when she went back to Taiwan. If you find yourself doing that, ask the question of why and document exactly what you are feeling. Is it making you feel unfordable, upset and angry?

#3 Figure out your non-negotiables

We all have what we call certain non-negotiables. Things that we will absolutely not do or say, no matter the situation. Often times, things like internationally hurting someone, stealing, lying etc fall into this bucket. However situations that make us feel depressed, unhappy with ourselves or even uncomfortable should also be a part of non-negotiables. This list can be different for different people and thats okay. Really think about what your own ‘non-negotiable’ are and stick to them – under no circumstances will you act, behave or think in a way that will cause you to cross into your non-negiotiables.

CulturallyOurs Finding your true north action items

Once you find your internal compass, that what feeds your soul and feels right deep down in your gut, it is important to take action that further develops that inner voice. There are many ways to listen to your inner self by way of action.

#1 Remember to start with small steps

Often times we set very lofty goals for ourselves and are paralyzed by the shear magnitude of all that we want to do and achieve. We feel overwhelmed even before we have a chance to really start. So the best way to ensure moving forward is to take baby steps. Start with daily, weekly or even monthly goals towards self awareness. Self-awareness can mean many different things to different people. Some actionable steps are more outwardly – wearing clothes that relate to your cultural identity, eating certain foods or even listing to cultural music. Others are more inward – reading cultural books, learning or improving your native language or even associating with people who are from your home country as a way to re-connect.

#2 Shifts in habits go hand in hand with shifts in mindset

Give yourself permission to slowly change the way you think about your culture and heritage. Remember that your feelings matter and are important to your wellbeing. Don’t rush to be someone or change the way you think and feel because you have to. Do it because you want to. By acknowledging these feelings as a way of life, we are able to slowly shift our own mindset to accepting who we are.

#3 Seek encouragement and support

One of the best ways to do something hard or uncomfortable is to find an accountability partner. Is there someone you can trust who will help you stick to your goals? Can you find a friend who has only your best interest at heart to encourage you by providing a listing ear or even emotional support as you walk the path towards finding your inner voice?

We leave you with these beautiful words by Rumi

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love and who you really are.

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