CulturallyOurs 5 ways to be more productive at work

5 Ways To Be More Productive At Your Work Everyday

CulturallyOurs 5 ways to be more productive at work

Let’s face it there is a lot of joy in checking off items on your to do list or writing ‘done’ against tasks that you are assigned to. That feeling of being productive and accomplishing your tasks can be quite rewarding. Sometimes we are better at getting smaller things done while other times, big projects and tasks seem more like our thing. But no matter the job, here are some productivity tips to apply at work and achieve all your goals – big or small. Time to focus on getting things done!

1) Write your top 3 priorities everyday

Begin your day documenting and working on your “Big 3”. What are the top 3 things that you need to accomplish that day. It’s amazing how much doing this one thing simplifies your life and workflow. By mentally reducing the clutter and focusing on the three most important tasks you have to tackle today, you will accomplish so much more. Further more, ranking items in the order of importance means acknowledging what is critical and what is optional. Thinking of your to-do list in this way really boils it all down and makes it feel much more simple and manageable.

2) Switch off all distractions including email and social media

Don’t open your email until your top 3 tasks are done or you’ll spend your day just responding to emails. Tune off social media until you have the dedicated time to engage with your audience. Social media is not a -post-and-disappear’ game. The more you engage the more you gain.

One of the best ways to do this is to remove ‘send notification’ for all the apps and emails from your phone or other devices. Take it a step further by scheduling in ’email time’ and ‘social media’ time into your calendar, by all means. That way scrolling and surfing is not a guilty pleasure but actually a way to move forward in your work because it is structured and productive.

3) Adjust your work space

We all have those areas that we love to work in. For some it is a neat and organized desk, for others it is a messy desk or even better sitting in bed in your pjs with the dog napping at your foot. No judgement here!

Find out what works best for your personality – where is it that you feel like your best self, content, comfortable and hence productive. It is crucial to make a space that fuels your ambitions, gets your creative juices flowing, and inspires you to get to work.

This also extends beyond the physical work space or office space and more into the work flow itself. Create a work style that is right for you by creating systems that work and make you feel excited about your chosen profession. There are so many things that can motivate and inspire a person and if you are excited to be in your work space, that enthusiasm will trickle into your work.

CulturallyOurs 5 ways to be more productive at work

4) Find your ‘zone of genius’ and delegate the rest

We all have our own zone of genius – things that we are really good at. Finding those key areas of genius can attribute a lot of success to our endeavors. At the same time, acknowledge that which is not your forte and find someone else who can do it better. It is more productive and efficient to delegate and outsource than it is to learn to do everything. Use your time and resources wisely.

5) Trust in the process and the universe

The sooner we acknowledge that there is no such thing as a free lunch, the better off we are. All things take time. That is just the way of the universe and we have to trust that whatever is meant to be shall be, when the time is right. Rushing the process along or taking short cuts is not the way to long term success and growth.

These simple, easy-to-apply tactics can really help transform any day into a productive day. So let’s get going, shall we?

What are some other ways you achieve productively at work? We would love to know so feel free to share with the community.

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  1. Becky says:

    I love all these tips! Having a to do list definitely helps me stay on track and not get sucked into just one thing. I am still however learning to trust the process haha.

  2. alyssa Lytle says:

    These are such great pieces of advice. I need to start implementing them ASAP, especially writing my top 3 priorities everyday- it’s hard not to get distracted!

    • Karthika Gupta says:

      Alyssa, completely hear you too. But getting those top 3 done is so important to maintain a productive day.

  3. Beth says:

    These are all great tips! I’m sharing this on my Facebook page!