5 Ways To See And Be Seen


culturallyours bonus 01 season 03 5 ways to see and be seen

CulturallyOurs Podcast Cover Karthika Gupta Oct 2018
Season 03
5 Ways To See And Be Seen
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Show Details

In this bonus episode for Season 03, we explores the importance of owning one’s story, what it means to see and ways to be seen authentically. Personal stories and narratives are a great way for us to connect with one another. Commonality brings forth understanding and empathy. And this in turn helps brings together communities and people.

Show Notes

Karthika explores the importance of owning one’s story as a way to see and be seen by others around us. Personal stories and narratives are important in documenting our life journey. They help us connect with the people around us because at the end of the day we are all the same irrespective of color, race, religion or ethnicity. There is a lot to be learnt from each other and helps brings together communities and people giving us all a sense of belonging.

The Transcript

I hope you are enjoying Season 03 of CulturallyOurs as much as I am. We are not even half way through the season and already the people I have met and spoken to till date and the stories they have shared so openly inspire me every day. It takes a lot of courage to come up to a mic and speak your truth – to share with the world your story for all to hear. I don’t take that lightly. Like so many others who have come on the podcast, most of the guests on this season started off as strangers on the internet, but through our communications and conversations, they have become friends. That in itself says so much about the human spirit – our deep internal need, or desire if you will, to see and be seen. Very rarely will you ever find someone who wants to live their life in solitude. Humans, by our very nature, are highly social creatures. We create and crave connections, communication, and a sense of belonging.

Like so many of you who send me emails, leave reviews or even reach out on social media point out, at the end of the day, we are all the same. Sure, we might look different on the outside – in the way we dress, the color of our skin, or even the way we speak. But our hopes and dreams for a happy healthy fulfilling life for ourselves and our loved one(s) are the one constant that ties us all together in this fabric of life.

The world around us continues to go through turmoil and divide – everyday people are being impacted in some way or the other based on who they are. Religion, ethinicity and race continue to be a sourse of conflict. So today on this bonus episode, I want to share a few ways that we can all ensure that we are seen, and we see others around us with the goal of understanding, empathizing and accepting for who we really are.

#1 Let your voice be heard

I agree that sometimes the world around us can get way too loud. A lot of people are speaking and in all that noise it’s hard for one voice to stand up and stand out. But don’t let that stop you from speaking your truth. If CulturallyOurs has taught me anything, it is that people’s voices and stories need to be told. My story needed to be told. Now for you, your story may not mean starting a podcast – however, if you want to do it totally go for it. But letting your voice be heard can be done in many other ways. Via text, images, story, or even just a conversation with a friend.

Putting yourself out there can be scary and difficut to accept. Starting is probably the scariest part of the whole process. But you have to remember that you matter and your journey matters. Your story matters even if it has an audience of one. Remember that you are not alone.

#2 Embrace your individuality

Along the same lines, I want to encourage you to embrace your individuality – all of it. From the way you look, the way you speak, the way you dress, and even the foods you eat. I love watching children when it comes to embracing individuality. They are unabashful and completely oblivious in how the outside world percieves them. An 8 year old wearing mismatched socks and carry a giant dianausaour toy or a 10 year old eating with their fingers because the food in front of them is just that good is adorable. But the moment we become adults we seem to loose that freedom of expression. Why is that?

Now times are slowly changing. It is very encouraging to see how some parts of the world are socially evolving and moving away from the age-old stereotypes of people. Identifies are no long binary. It isnt just this or that. There is room for anothers who don’t quite fit the sterotypical. People are slowly evolving but a lot more can be done. And if more of us are accepting in our uniqueness – society will have no choice but to follow suit.

Like Dr. Seuss so famously said, ‘Why fit in when you are born to stand out’!

#3 Accept others

Of course it goes without saying that if we want to feel accepted, welcomed, and acknowledged, we need to make an effort to do the same for others, don’t you think? Be the one to extend a hand, a smile or even a friendly nod the next time you see or meet someone who is not like you. Surround yourself with people who are different. Lets move towards acceptance together. Sometimes it is in the subtle things and other times it takes an effort, but you must take that first step, my friend.

#4 Get educated on the facts

There is a lot in terms of information out there today in terms of diversity. In fact sometimes it might feel like there is too much information to sift though and things get lost in translation. But whenever you are faced with a situation that you care about or want to know more about, do the necessary due-diligence. Ask questions, seek answers – sometimes it is in the obvious places and other times it is not so obvious. But an educated participant who hears and understands all sides of any issue is more equiped to make a ‘just’ choice. Notice I did not say right or wrong because for a lot of things today, there is no right or wrong.

#5 Trust in the power of one

It is very easy for all of us to take the path of least resistance and question what difference can one entity really make. Let me give you an example and I say this not because I want sympathy. But starting a podcast is hard work. Maintaining a podcast is even harder. Trust me, there are days when I ask myself why I am doing this. There are easier, less stressful ways to live and try to earn a living, right? But every email, comment, or review that says ‘thank you for what you are doing’ is so motivating. The going might be slow, but I know that CulturallyOurs is doing its part in bringing diverse voices and topics to the table, ensuring global stories are seen and heard – one conversation at a time. So, the next time you wonder what can one person possibly do, believe that you actually can do something – however small – to make a difference.

Season 3 is just getting started. All the guests on the show this far have chosen to be seen and heard and I cannot thank them enough for it. And I cannot wait to connect you to more inspiring, everyday people who are showing up and sharing their life with us on the podcast.

So stick around, Season 03 is going to be amazing.

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