CulturallyOurs Adapting to the seasons of life and nature

Seasonal Adaptations In Life With Cues From Nature

CulturallyOurs Adapting to the seasons of life and nature

Our conversation with Sonia Nicolson really inspired us to dig deeper into this concept of seasonal adaptations. If you haven’t listened to her podcast interview, check it out here.

Nature really seems to give us so many cues of how to live our life by tuning in to the ebb and flow of the seasons. Each season changes the space around us. Sometimes subtle like the wind getting a little nippy from Summer to fall and sometimes more obvious like the trees bursting with greenery in Spring. Seasons also demands different things from us, optimized to really help us live our best life. Yet, for so many, these clues seem to fall onto deaf ears in our race to the proverbial finish line and beyond.

Summer and Winter can be dramatic and so different, requiring different seasonal adaptations. In winter, our entire being seems to take on an additional hibernating coat during the cold months. We add layers to our bodies and throw rugs to the couch. Thick comforters and dark curtains  replace ones that are light and airy to let sunshine in during the summer months.

In summer, sweltering temperatures call for sparseness and openness – we strip down to the bare necessities and fling open windows to let a breeze flow through as if the house itself is gasping for a breath of fresh air.

CulturallyOurs Adapting to the seasons of life and nature throw rugs by the fireplace for a cozy winter

Autumn and Spring, on the other hand, require more subtle seasonal adaptations in our lives. Known as transitional months, these seasons find us making provisional adjustments preparing us for whats to come, an unfolding and reawakening. We might stockpile kindling in anticipation of that first icy night or repair screen doors and secure hammocks while waiting for warmer weather.

Take time to spend time in nature in these seasons so your body and your mind can adjust to the upcoming changes. In Spring the air is fresh with the promise of new beginnings. Get outside and listen to the birds chirping and watch the trees bloom.

New ideas seems to flow abundantly as we look for accomplish goals in Spring and items get checked off the mental list in Fall as we prepare for the winter ahead. As we continually refine our ability to observe the seasons we can learn to take cues from the elements and open ourselves to a more natural way of living.

CulturallyOurs Adapting to the seasons of life and nature succulents against the summer sunlight

Have you observed how there are some parts of the world that are constantly on. Life in the tropics is one steady state of movement as people adapt to long months of warm weather and bright sunlight. Where as other parts of the world where seasons are more pronounced find life a series of ebbs and flows. The cyclic nature of moments of quiet follow moments of hyper-activity help them shut off, tune down or slow down.

Responding to nature’s quarterly changes creates a symbiotic relationship where nature, the outdoors and us humans are continuously influencing each other. So lets tune in and adapt to the seasons – open the windows during spring, walk bare foot in summer, and get cozy with loved ones during winter. Only when we follow the nuances of these natural patterns, can we begin to live life like it was meant to be lived.

@bymariadrew sums this concept up so well!




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