CulturallyOurs Seasonal Adaptions To Summer Around The World

Seasonal Adaptations To Summer From Around The World

CulturallyOurs Seasonal Adaptions To Summer Around The World

Summer is truly a glorious season and also a demanding one. With days and evenings packed full of people, projects and activities, it is easy to get overwhelmed and bogged down. After all, with longer days, our body’s internal clock is in go-mode longer during summer months than any other time of the year.

Even if your body is telling you that you need a break, you might be hearing a little voice saying you should be fitting more in because winter will be here soon enough – especially for those of us living in the northern hemisphere where summers are typically a few short months of the year. As a result, out summer tend to be lived at full throttle.

The trouble is our ‘do-more’ culture encourages us do more with less all the time. So let’s try and design a more intentional summer such that we can enjoy it more consciously. Earlier we shared how we need to adapt with the seasons such that we can live a more meaningful life though out the year. Those seasonal adaptions dealt with physical as well as the emotional/mental state of being.

Getting the most out of your summer months requires adaptations in nutrition, fitness, sleep as well as managing your physical, emotional and spiritual energy.

The darker effects of light

During summer, the days are longer and night shorter. Those extra hours of bright daylight program our brains and bodies to wake up earlier and stay up longer. Our hormones and neurotransmitters naturally shift into a highly active, awake, pro-social mode in summer. In the context of modern lives that no longer enjoy the balancing ‘hibernating break’ of winter, this can contribute to chronic stress, exhaustion, sleep deprivation and depression.

In climates where winters are long and hard, summer weather can feel like a scarce resource. A FOMO (Fear of missing out) mindset leads us to squeeze in extra activities and social obligations around the edges of our already packed schedules. Earlier we shared ways you can let go of the FOMO mindset and practice JOMO (joy of missing out) instead.

This causes us to ignore our bodies signals to slow down and have rest, quiet and solitude. And this can add up to year-around patterns of overdoing, overexerting, under-reflecting that can work against our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

One way to reduce the darker effect of light is to stick to your regular bedtime routines. Try to go to be at the same time through out the year so your internal body clock is always in tune with what is appropriate and right for you. In places like Iceland that see light and sunshine for almost 24 hours, homes are equipped with shutters that stimulate darkness so that people can go to bed at a ‘normal’ time even though it is still bright outside.CulturallyOurs Seasonal Adaptions To Summer Around The World

Seasonal nutrition

Summer is an ideal time to enjoy locally available nutrition dense foods especially colorful plants and plant-fed (wild and pasture raised) animal proteins. Because summer exposes your body to more solar radiation and antioxidants sapping physical activity, phytonutrient-rich vegetables and fruits become especially important for fending off the cell-damaging free radicals. Remember the article we shared about the importance of shopping at farmer’s markets, especially in summer.CulturallyOurs Seasonal Adaptions To Summer Around The World

Re-evaluate fitness routines

Summer is a great time to enjoy lower intensity, longer duration movements. You will likely be more drawn to outdoor endurance activities like biking, running, hiking and climbing verses intense weight lifting and strength training. If you are practicing heavy physical activities, be sure to factor in enough rest and recovery. To avoid burnout, aim to rest before you are tired. Seek out some quiet time. Accept only those invitations that really speak to you.CulturallyOurs Seasonal Adaptions To Summer Around The WorldInstead of chasing summer’s enticements, let the season’s best come to you when you are ready.

Have you ever wondered how people all around the world adapt to summer?

In India

Summer in India is hot. Depending on which part of the country, summers can be a mix of humid and torrential rain, to dry, hot and arid. Afternoons when the sun is really high up means time to relax and take a nap. Naps are not long but short afternoon siestas do wonders for the body and mind. Shops shut down, phone ringers are silenced for a few hours and in some places, the whole town disappears for an afternoon break from the sun.

In Switzerland

Summers means a break from the routine – time spent having lunch outside or even a quick afternoon dip in the river/lake to cool down. People have a relaxed attitude that spills into every aspect of their lives including their work day.

In Greece

With a great variety of beautiful islands to explore, Greece is an exciting place to island-hop chasing after those fabled crystal clear blue waters. From crowded bays to secret coves, there is something for everyone – locals and travelers alike. Greeks also love to celebrate life and that is evident in their nightlife culture that often goes on till wee-hours of the morning. Summer sun, great food, friendly people and never ending parties seems to be the way to live up the summer in Greece.

In Australia

Summer in Australia is the time to hang up the out of office sign, and plunge headlong into long, lazy days that revolve around the beach, picnics and midnight swims. Most people, especially those with school going kids write off January as a time to take a break from everything and travel – domestically or internationally. Because Australian summer tend to get really hot with temps reaching 40deg – 50 deg in some places, cooler areas become a magnetic for escaping the summer heat.

How do you spend your summer where you are? We would love to know and get inspired for our own summer adventures!

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