CulturallyOurs Explore Prague And Czech Republic With A Local

Explore Czech Republic With Josephine And Dominic

CulturallyOurs Explore Prague And Czech Republic With A Local
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The new year brings forth new dreams, aspirations and hopes. Among all our wishes for the new year, so many of us are hoping and dreaming of travel – a chance to get away for a bit, to explore, to wander and to discover. As we continue on with Season 05 where we share travel adventures and travel stories with locals from around the world, I know, I for one have so many places that I am now wanting to add to my wish list of travel adventures.CulturallyOurs Explore Prague And Cezch Republic With A LocalToday we travel virtually to a place I have dreamt of for so long – The Czech Republic. Josefine and Dominic a digital nomadic couple who have now made their home in Prague take us along an exploration of their city as well as The Czech Republic – a place known for its dramatic landscapes, hundreds of castles, stunning national parks and many world UNESCO sites.CulturallyOurs Explore Prague And Cezch Republic With A LocalJo and Dom share a lot about their journey – how they met, why they opted for a nomadic lifestyle and what prompted them to lay down their roots in Prague. We also chatted about the importance of a gap year – that year where most people take time to explore not just the world around them but also themselves. So many people swear that taking that gap year just before they settled down into the routine of life was one of the best experiences of their lives. But you know what, Jo and Dom made me realize that a gap year can be taken anytime in one’s lifetime. So you know now I am dreaming and plotting my own gap year in a few when my kids are out of the house and I become an empty nester.CulturallyOurs Explore Prague And Cezch Republic With A Local CulturallyOurs Explore Prague And Cezch Republic With A LocalLife is full of adventures no matter where we go and what we do. And thank you to Jo and Dom for sharing their life’s journey with us on this episode of CulturallyOurs where we explore Prague and the Czech Republic.

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Exploring Prague and Czech Republic with a locals point of view by CulturallyOurs

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