CulturallyOurs Make New Year Commitments for positive changes in life

Make New Year Commitments Instead Of Resolutions

CulturallyOurs Make New Year Commitments for positive changes in life

Yes, it is that time of the year where everyone is talking about resolutions. People seem to either love it or hate it. While the argument for each directive is right in its own way, we are still big believers in the tradition of taking stock of how we want the year to unfold.

Historically the word resolution does have some negative connotation to it. It can sound vaguely impersonal, official and almost like we are taking corrective action to fix something that is wrong.

Commitment on the other hand, is a word that all of us understand intimately, not just in our heads, but even in our hearts. Commitment conjures up feelings of purpose and meaning – something that we feel in the depths of our soul.

So this year choose to commit to your goals, whatever they might be, instead of making resolutions.

One of our favorites things to do this time of year is to review the big commitments that we made during the previous 12 months and see how we did in delivering on them. Making and fulfilling commitments to ourselves and others is what creates personal integrity.

So regardless of your take on resolutions, consider asking yourself these questions as you think about where you want your life to go in the new year.

  • What promises did I make this year? to myself and others
  • Which have I accomplished or made good progress toward, and which remain outstanding?
  • What obstacles or limitations interfered with me fulfilling my commitments?
  • How or what helped me move ahead, even if it was a little bit?

CulturallyOurs Make New Year Commitments for positive changes in your lifeYour commitments don’t have to be huge. Sometimes simple pleasures like having more fun, being more present, being positive in all your relationships, paying close attention to your own happiness, being kind to others are great commitments for the new year.

You can choose to commit to big things or small things, but commit to at least one things you feel energized to accomplish this year.

Write your commitments down and post it somewhere you can see it daily. We love the idea of post-it notes on the wall next to the desk in the office, or even on the mirror in the bathroom. Then write down where and when i.e. the specifics of how you will take action that supports these commitments. Writing down the specifics of when and where you will take actions to reach your goals can double or triple your chances for success.

One of CulturallyOurs big commitments for the new year is spreading awareness about culture and diversity by being inclusive in our conversations with everyday people about life, culture, art, food and travel. We firmly believe that conversations spark awareness and awareness brings forth empathy and acceptance. Our specifics around fulfilling this commitment to you, our readers and listeners, is to bring more diverse people on the show via the podcast so you can hear first hand stories and narratives about their lives.

Feel free to share your commitments for the new year and let us collectively make the world a better place for ourselves and each other.

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