CulturallyOurs Networking Tips For Entrepreneurs And Business Owners

Networking Tips For Entrepreneurs And Business Owners

CulturallyOurs Networking Tips For Entrepreneurs And Business Owners

Did you catch Pravin Shekar’s amazing and insightful podcast interview yet? Pravin is a 20 year entrepreneurial veteran and he shared such great advice around marketing, business development and even networking.

In fact, Pravin shared 3 great networking tips for even the most introverted entrepreneurs. You can listen to his interview here.

Networking is often misunderstood or not given enough importance as a long term investment. And this appears to be a world wide trend. LinkedIn reported that 79% of all professional surveyed said that while they agree that networking is valuable for career progression, less than half say that they keep in touch with their networks when things are going well in their career.

Experts say that creating a network of quality connections and a good number of connections is something that requires work. Networking isn’t just handing a business card out at an event and sending a LinkedIn or Facebook friend request. Nurturing and connecting with the right intentions is important for the connections to plan out – in the long run!

We recently came across a networking article called ‘Networking basics you should not ignore’ in a local newspaper in India and thought it was extremely appropriate to share.

Here are some excerpts from the article that reiterates tips from pro networkers like Pravin who know the importance of connections and how to build a network of mutually beneficial contacts that can become friends, mentors, well-wishes and even clients.

CulturallyOurs How to network like a pro to make the right connections and contacts

Start even before you need to

The best time to start networking is now, even if you don’t have a business. The power of a strong network are people who are willing and able to help you when the time comes. Think about future opportunities and make genuine connections with a wide range of people. Seize every opportunity to network with people and remember to always follow up with a thank you note.

Make the most out of your existing contacts

The biggest asset in an entrepreneurs tool kit are existing contacts – friends, family and immediate well-wishers. Speak to them, connect with them and make your needs know. Tell them what you do and what you are looking for and who you would like to connect with. You never know who they might know and sometimes it is just vocalizing what you need to get the help you want.

Be conscious of your digital footprint

Make sure your profile on professional networking sites is professional. Be cognizant of the fact that everyone has a digital footprint and that footprint is accessible to anyone else anywhere in the world. At the end of the day people want to do business with people they like, know and trust. That one image, tweet, rant or inappropriate post can ruin a great once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Cold email are okay but add some personality and warmth

Reaching out to people you don’t know is one of the easiest yet ineffectively used means to network with people. Be sure to cold email or cold call you admire, or an influencer you follow on social media with the right mindset. Be sure to let them know why you are reaching out and don’t make too big of an ask. The phrase ‘Pick your brain’ is one of the most misused and disliked phrase in cold calling/emailing. Instead ask your specific question directly or request an informational interview/phone call. And above all else, be respectful and genuine.

Coffee, Lunch or LinkedIn

While communicating by text and email works in many situations, networking calls for a more personal and personable approach. Take time out of your schedule to grab a cup of coffee or even lunch. Offer to meet someone where it is more convenient for them. If physical contact and communication is not possible, offer a Skype call. And again be professional and courteous.

Pay it forward today for success tomorrow

At the end of the day, successful networking boils down to figuring out what problem others are trying to solve and how you can help them. So don’t be afraid to offer help or advice or introduce people to each other. Remember you are in it for the long haul and for future success and benefits as well.

The beauty of networks is that it is everywhere. Don’t just think of networking in the professional landscape. For leveraging networks optimally to advance one’s career, tap into both internal (family, friends, co-workers) as well as external (events, conferences, cold emails, social media) networks. And the fact that the digital landscape is worldwide and 24×7, connect with people all over the world to expand your reach.

But remember that a healthy and robust network, like anything else, takes time and a lot of effort. You will get out of it that what you put into it.

{Original article can be found here}

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